Since our formation in 1985, the Mid-Atlantic Amateur Softball Association (MAASA) has provided gay and lesbian players and their friends a fun, positive environment of competition and camaraderie.

Our league includes players of all ability levels, novice to all-star, who compete in weekly games throughout the Spring and Summer. Many of our teams also travel to places like Atlanta, Tampa, Chicago, Toronto, and Portland to play in annual softball tournaments.

Each year, MAASA teams participate in the World Series sponsored by our national organization, the North American Gay Amateur Athletics Alliance (NAGAAA). We are also a member of the Amateur Softball Association (ASA).

New players are always welcome. We also encourage formation of new teams and stand ready to lend advice and assistance.

Mid-Atlantic Amateur Softball Association is a Not-For-Profit organization. If you would like more information about MAASA click the sub-pages located on the About MAASA link or email play@mid-atlanticsoftball.org.

To view the MAASA Constitution and Bylaws, click the Documents sub-page, located under About MAASA and select the appropriate document.

Mid-Atlantic Amateur Softball Association
104 Sandpiper Drive
Portsmouth, Va 23704

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